Dominion is committed to strengthening and growing its provider network to maximize access to dental care for its customers.

Extensive Dental Provider Network for Convenient Access to Care
In building and maintaining its networks, Dominion considers factors such as the geographic location of dentists to ensure that members have sufficient access to network providers, referrals from members, and requests from providers and groups.

High Standards for Dental Providers to Ensure Quality Care
To join Dominion's network, providers must complete our application and credentialing process. This includes being licensed, carrying professional liability insurance, and operating in accordance with all laws and regulations. Additionally, they need to comply with our provider agreement, administrative policies, and procedures.
Once accepted into the network, providers must undergo regular re-credentialing. This ensures ongoing fulfillment of educational, licensing, and training requirements, as well as compliance with plan procedures and familiarity with our administrative policies. This commitment enhances network retention and ensures a positive experience for both doctors and patients.

Growing Our Network
Dominion has a full-time provider relations staff dedicated to continuously expanding our dentist networks. Our success in recruiting new providers can be attributed to our attractive compensation formula and unique recruiting techniques. We strive to offer a network that covers a wide range of dental specialists and meets the evolving needs of our members.

Ensuring High Standards through Quality Assurance
The Dominion Quality Assurance (QA) Program and Complaint Procedure has been filed with the appropriate State Departments of Health. To ensure absolute accuracy and integrity of results, a third-party QA contractor performs our provider office reviews. Our contractors are licensed dentists with at least 10 years of experience, not auxiliary personnel. Scoring is detailed, consistent and objective.

Access to a Leading Vision Network
Dominion provides access to one of the country's leading vision networks, including private practitioners and optical retailers such as Pearle Vision, Sears Optical, J.C. Penney, For Eyes Optical, Hour Eyes and Target Optical.2
1 Dominion National Competitive Network Survey, 2022. Mid-Atlantic includes D.C., Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Participating dentists are subject to change.
2 All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.